D5: the Devouring Serpent Mural

 Another day, another room.

This room leading east from the winch room has been turned into a defensive chokepoint by the bandits laired in the tower. They've constructed chest-high walls behind the rubble, which provide cover and a good position to shoot from.

The room rises up in a gentle ramp rising toward the east. But the most distinctive feature of this room is a massive mosaic across the whole south wall. The mosaic focuses on a blue dragon which has been encircled by a massive serpent, against a background of flames. Snakes writhe in anguish around the central figures, and many are being tortured by strange figures (a DC 18 religion or society check or appropriate lore recognizes these as ancient depictions of demons).

Encounter (Moderate 1)

2x Ruffian Thugs, but armed with light crossbows and ten bolts instead of slings. One can cast Shield, the other casts Telekinetic Projectile.

1x Guard Dog, a fairly viscous and nasty one.

The thugs take cover between the firing positions; the dog rushes out heedlessly to attack.


In addition to the thugs' crossbows and studded armor, one of them (the shield-caster) has an iron key, Key 1A. I'll let you know what that key opens as soon as I know (it doesn't open any of the doors leading west from 1-01 and 1-02; those are barred from the other side).

Happy dungeoneering!


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