D4: The Avalanche-filled Hall
Yet another room; we've figured out what's beyond the portcullis in the Spitting-cobra room. After all the party's efforts to get around the portcullis and the flame trap, this room might seem anti-climactic; after all, they can't continue past the landfall which has collapsed the tunnel (emphasize to a party interested in digging it out that it's likely a week's work; dangerous, as their efforts could dislodge rock from above; and unwise, as the other threats in the tower are not going to be idle).
But the two doors, to the left and the right, lead out into courtyards (which let in some natural light), which will give the party access to several different areas. In fact, I think the party is going to get access to this room via the courtyard to the right, unless they want to risk the fire trap in 1-02; this area may be the first way the party has of accessing the left side (apart from one other long route); this means I'll probably put the level 1 content on the right side, and level 2 on the left, since these first two floors (ground and towers) are going to have both levels of content split all around.
Any hero who investigates the rockfall spots flickering light through a narrow gap between boulders. Reaching in, they can pull out an everburning torch (incidentally, I've put my random item generator to work to eyeball how much treasure the party should get at level 1, so I can disperse it appropriately throughout the level).
I had a random boring thought about Microsoft Excel date formats, but I'll leave it on the cutting room floor. Happy dungeoneering!
(edit: I cannot spell avalanche, clearly - I've found about 4 different wrong ways to spell it. Oops!)
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