D13: Wrecked tower foundations

This room, through the (locked) door from 1-12 is accessible before the party finds the force key via the stairs which reach up to L2 and down to L3, thanks to the ladder in the west side of 1-12. The room is the support to another of the fortress's minor towers, built out of the shoulder of the mountain (at some point I should give the mountain a name, right?)

A door in the west side gives access to the eastern courtyard. The door is locked, but with Key 1A the party is likely able to get past it. The other exit was once in the NW corner of the room, but it has now been blocked by a landslide which filled up the tunnel leading out, spilling into this room and wrecking that wall and door.

Encounter (Severe 1)

A trio of earth mephits inhabit this room, continually rearranging the rockfall to their incomprehensible whims. They burrow through the rockfall and mirthlessly attack any of the party nearby; the party can retreat, but they'll find that the mephits are also active in the level below, and the party will likely have to deal with them.

Rob's notes

To be honest, I have no idea what the preceding sentence means. I'll figure out in March, I suppose! Closing in on the end of week 2. I had been in a good habit of doing this in the morning, but now that the semester has started up, I feel like there are higher-priority things I need to do in the day, so this gets pushed back until my wife has gone to bed, which isn't great for my sleep habits, but perhaps encourages me to go a little faster (if I'm not distracted by a video game). Oh well.


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